Creating a blog can be difficult, as the ideas aren't always flowing in your mind on a daily basis, however, I believe recounting past experiences and expressing yourself through your blog, as well as working on your writing and making people laugh, can be quite beneficial, at least, that was what was beneficial to me when updating Dustin In Time. I've learned that I enjoy making people smile through my beautiful poetry you call a blog! I've also enjoyed many of my classmate's blogs, such as Leslie Clouse's, Sam Wright's, and Brennan Gilpatricks's wonderful blogs (2 of which you can see on my "Inside The Man" page). From viewing these blogs, I have learned many personal stories and unique facts about my peers, as well as what is going on in their lives at that time! My favorite blog posts are my prom one (yes, I didn't go to prom-- sorry!) and my "Dustin Spotting" one. These are my favorites because of the humor involved and the unique way of organizing them-- they were fun to write!
I am excited to announce that Dust In Time has expanded! I have added a new blog page, titled "Video Blogs" where I have posted many blogs featuring videos and stories on said videos. You if know me, you know that I love making videos, and it has become both a hobby and a way of making some cash-ola for me. I plan to venture into a career in film in the future. 

If you want to check out more of my videos, go to my very own website,! You'll enjoy it, I promise! But, while you're here, why don't you hit up my new Video Blogs page? You'll have a great time! These videos may not work at school, so I implore you to check out my website ( when you get home and watch, comment, and rate my videos! Much appreciated! Enjoy the blog, enjoy Phatact, and enjoy the rest of your day! Peace out peaches! 
    After weeks and weeks of hard work and writing, I was finally ready to turn in my AP English workshop writing final draft, which is something that equals out to be quite a large portion of our grade in the class. I was extremely confident, I felt as if I wrote the best, fictitious, super hero story Mr.Lawson would ever read. My friends liked it, as they mentioned in the 5 or so peer reviews they gave me. So, I was smooth sailing, and on the day before the draft was due, during the last peer reviewing session, something terrible had happened. I was giving it to my last peer editor, just for grammar- as all the other peers had worked on the more intricate details. This was going to be an easy day, until this man-boy had viciously grabbed my smile, and turned it in to a vigorous, disappointed frown (figuratively).
    "I don't get it," he said. "I don't think this really could have happened..."
    "Well duh, it is fictitious," I said, acting like he was the idiot.
After everyone around me just stopped talking and looked at me, I was lead to have a terrible revelation  The story was supposed to be Non-Fiction. Hours, days, weeks of writing- down the figurative toilet! As I was about to hide my head in shame, I realized something... WHY HADN'T ANY OF THE PEOPLE SITTING AROUND ME TOLD ME THIS WHEN THEY REVIEWED MY DRAFTS MULTIPLE TIMES WEEKS AGO? I had only 2 days to write a brand new final draft, a long with 5 rough drafts and a reflection. I was considering just writing "and it was all a dream" on the bottom of my completed paper, making it non-fiction, but my teacher called me dumb for suggesting it. So, I went home, wrote a complete essay, and then delete paragraphs from it and printed out incomplete essays to simulate progression in fake drafts. I had my mom write stuff like "you should add a paragraph here", because in my final draft I had actually already put a paragraph there! IT WAS GENIUS! The progression shown in my "drafts" are way better than the ones I actually worked weeks on in previous assignments. I actually wrote about the fact that I wrote a fiction essay instead of a non-fiction essay. ANOTHER STROKE OF GENIUS! I went in next day, gloating to everyone that I was going to get a better grade than them on this assignment, even though I did it in about 1 tenth the time they had. Whether or not this will come true is uncertain, however I'm probably wrong. :(
Source: Clipart
Source: Clipart
I love me some chocolate cookie ice cream sandwiches. They are the bomb diggity dog. My friend likes them too, but I wanted to show him up in terms of chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich love... so I made the hottest rap this school, NAY! This town has ever seen. Let's get it done. (Remember, this ain't no stinkin' poem, it has got to be read like a rap)
Hey diddle diddle, ice cream in the middle.

Chocolate chips on top, you can't make me stop.

The package is so cold, the taste is so bold.

When noon comes around, you can bet I'm ice cream bound.

Ice cream so soft, vanilla not chocolate-
Cookie will crumble, hope I don't drop it.

He gave me a cookie, offered me some icing-
Cool it, bro! Now give me some ice cream!

She asked for some ice cream as she walked up to me-
I said "Girl, ice cream ain't FREE!"

But she persisted, wanting ice cream for her-
I said lady, give me a dollar and a quarTER!

10. Im very, very, very photogenic
If you want some good pictures topost on your Instagram or Facebook, then I'm your guy. I
may not be too pretty in real life, but once that camera turns on, all of your friends will think you're with a model.
9. I can grow a nasty mustache in about 4 days
If you're like most girls, you like a guy with a mustache. Well, look no further. You want a mustache? I'll grow one in about 4 days. Sure, it will look disgusting and won't have the tickle you may
desire, but it is classified as a moustache.
8. I know a lot about German culture
Every girl loves a man that know a lot about German culture. I kind of do. Date me.
7. Open to wearing bow ties (or mosty anything else)
I draw the line at woman's clothing, but if you need me to match, I'll match... and then some.
6. I can jump pretty high
Some say I'm an athlete... they are right. If I showed you my vertical, I would sweep you off of your feet.
5. I'm good with animals
Your dog or cat will love me.
4. I am an animal
Speaks for itself.
3. I get along well with grandmas
Seriously, grandmas love the D-Man. Introduce me to her, and she'll be begging you to marry me within minutes.
2. I have large muscles, and I can lift up any size woman
Women of any shapes or sizes, I can lift you. I can also lift relatively large objects.
1. I'm a dance entrepreneur
As a wise man once said, you will never see Dustin dance the same dance twice.
Photos From:
Ah, the sport of Dustin Spotting! Today I shall go through some of the images displayed when searching for Dustin Grissom. Since I am quite famous, there are actually a lot of pictures of myself on there. However, there are some interesting ones as well. Let's start out with the ones that do not include myself.
Our first guest is Dustin Grissom. Not me, but a man from the website He seems to have gotten himself in some trouble here. I'm sure he wasn't guilty, as his name is Dustin Grissom.
Here is a Dustin Grissom I could look like if I started working out a bit more. Yep, exactly like this guy!
Here is a picture of me back when I was a part-time Hollister model. I thought I was too good for the place, so I decided to leave.  I still stand by the decision to this day.
Here is a picture of myself and a beautiful Artemis Fowl novel. I used to be really in to books. I do not look back fondly at those days.
I'm pretty sure this was a picture of me after jumping off of my motorcycle after winning the big race. It is tradition! Or this was from a movie I made... actually come to think of it, I've never been in a motorcycle race.
And finally, here is the one and only D-Boy. He was on Myspace, so I assume he is one of the cooler guys of the group. I used to have a myspace, but my mom didn't want me to show my picture, so I just used a picture of a Giraffe. People started getting freaked out when they got a friend request from "unknown giraffe".. BUT that's another story for another time. See ya, and happy Dustin Spotting!

Images from:
Recently, my parents friends from Iowa came to visit. They have two children, one is a lady of my own age and the other a younger chap, perhaps 14 or 15. I'm not exactly sure. Anyways, them returning to a Grissom household brough back a few memories, and one in particular.

This specific memory is perhaps the greatest example of karma I have ever experienced. It is also reason for me and the younger chap to be quite awkward with eachother. You see, back when he was maybe 9 or 10, I was perhaps 13 or 14 (I'm sure I'm getting all of these ages wrong), they were sleeping over at my house. Whilst watching an interesting new episode of American Dragon Jake Long, I created a devious plan. You see, we were eating popcorn while watching this, and to freak out the poor youngster, I told him that eating popcorn right before bed can cause death. He prompty freaked out, asking me while I wasn't scared. I told him that I was old enough that it didn't effect me anymore. He was getting kind of scared, so I told him that the only way to counter the popcorn, and then the eventual death, was to drink a lot of water. He drank 7 full bottles of water. This was all fine and dandy, but there was a small detail I didn't account for... he was to sleep in my bed that night, as I would be forced to sleep in the guest bedroom (the logic still defies me). I hope up the next morning to some alarming news. The young man walked up to me, and quietly informed me that he has wet my bed. MY BED.

Karma at its finest. I'm sure he has a terrible popcorn phobia now,
Image from
Below is a beautifully crafted epic by the hands of 8th grader Dustin Grissom. The hubris displayed in this poem sets a new standard for poets around the world. So please, sit back and enjoy this life changing piece of poetry.
image from perkstreet
Magop Must Chop

The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the hair cutter that day:
Mag once was the only hair cutter in the town of Maple May,
Until one day, the famous hair cutter, Johnny Magop,
Packed up his bags, moved to Maple May, and set up his shop.

That day, the worldwide phenomenon, Dustin Grissom, came.
Johnny Magop was not frightened; Mag could not say the same.
Dustin walked into Mag’s hair salon and wanted a cut,
Johnny busts through the door and calls Dustin Grissom a nut.

“You are a fool to get your hair cut here, come to my place!”
Johnny escorted Dustin out as if it were a race.
“I just cannot believe you went over to Mag’s Salon!”
Dustin replied saying “You better be really good John.”

“No worries, I am the best, I can cut your hair blind folded!”
He put on a blind fold and knew he would not be scolded.
With a snip and a snap, he elegantly cut his hair.
He snipped his scissors as if he was cutting through the air.

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
Birds are chirping, the kids are playing, and the mood is light.
And somewhere parents and their children are all very glad.
But there is no joy in Maple May --- Johnny messed up bad.

If you are an avid viewer of the Dust In Time blog, you may recall a blog post about bagels. Had you read that entire post, you may also remember discussions about writing a bagel song. You were most likely
disappointed that this song did not happen, but don’t fret- I had good news! I shall be writing the bagel song as of right now. I have not thought about it at all yet, so this will be entirely off the top of my head with no editing (it will be terrible). Please enjoy.

Bagels, O Bagels

You are so round

I buy you by the pound

Bagels, O Bagels

So many things compliment

Peanut butter, jelly, and butter,

Bagels, O Bagels

Smooth on the bottom, hole in the

I can buy you sizes big or

Bagels, O Bagels

Cinnamon, blueberry, and there is also

Add an “n” and Angels is in your

Bagels, Bangels, O, O

How I love thee

Can’t you see?

Bagels, O bagels


Image from

It has come to my attention that I indeed do have a few followers
of the Dust In Time Blog (2 to be exact). Therefore, my blogging spirit has been
reinvigorated with a new pride and… vigorousness. So, today, I shall start a
series of blogs about the craaazzyyy antics of Dustin Grissom as a young, Iowan

Today’s topic involved my 5th (or was it 6th?) grade girlfriend. Yes, I was
awesome in middle school. Anyways, I was going to her house for her birthday
party along with a couple of her other friends. Long story short, what I did at
this party is a great way to get your “girlfriend’s”parents to hate you. You
see, we were all having a grand time at the manor of Dustin’s girlfriend, then,
as a fun little game, my girlfriend decides to lock me and a few friends out of
the house as a joke. It was quite funny, indeed. After pondering a way to get
back inside, my mind realized something that would totally impress everyone at
that party. You see, I had the presence of mind to remember that the window had
previously been open in the house, so I figured I would dive head first into it
and appear back in the house! She was going to be so impressed! Sadly, as I was
running full-force to the window, with my feet leaving the ground, huge smile on
my face, and head pointed towards the window…I forgot one thing. Apparently,
windows have these things called “screens”,something I had not accounted for.
So, as I was about to fly in to a room with my girlfriend, her mom, and all of
my friends, I realized the mistake I had made. I crashed through the screen,
broke it in half, violently fell to the ground, slowly picked myself up, and
then I lived through one of the most awkward situations of my life. I slowly
stood up, with everyone, including my girlfriend and her mom, staring at me
wide-eyed, as if I were (and I was) completely idiotic. I had no explanation, I
couldn’t really laugh this one off, so I awkwardly grabbed the screwed up,
destroyed screen and tried to snap it back to form and fit it in to the window
for about 10 minutes in complete silence. I gave up, put it down, said sorry,
and sat down. The party was pretty awkward until her mom left, but then we all
had a good laugh. Stay tuned next time for more idiotic, yet awesome, stunts by
middle school Dustin! I WAS SO COOL!
This resembles what I saw after crashing through the window
Image from